AUHS held its 2nd IPE Workshop on November 13, 2020. The IPE, or Interprofessional Education, Workshop requires students to work and engage in interprofessional groups through a case-based learning scenario. Activities during the session included tasks such as watching informational videos, reviewing case notes, and contributing to online discussions. The workshop, which was held virtually through ZOOM, ran from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and consisted of breakout sessions and group discussions. Facilitators of the workshop comprised of AUHS faculty, who assessed and monitored contributions in each assigned activity and provided necessary feedback. Students in interprofessional groups then discussed the importance of working and communicating together effectively to provide quality care and ensure patient safety.
Interprofessional education workshops are a great method for students to experience working and learning from each other, clarifying roles, negating negative perception about others, and understanding that teamwork and effort are important when it comes to patient care. In doing so, this will allow understanding the capability and limitations to effectively become a key team player in the field of healthcare. At AUHS, students from the School of Nursing (Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing), School of Pharmacy (Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor of Pharmacy, Pharmacy Technician), and School of Clinical Research (Master of Science in Clinical Research), are given this blessed opportunity from God to develop and strengthen their interprofessional and interpersonal skills.